What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

We had excellent service with SERVPRO.  The technicians and crews were professional.  The work performed was above and beyond our expectations.

SERVPRO of Central Schaumburg was amazing to work with.  We had excellent crews on site.  The job was finished on time.  We would recommend to anyone with emergency needs.

SERVPRO was very professional and polite.  They were called to our business for clean up of a small water leak.  The team was very knowledgeable.  I am very satisfied with the process. 

SERVPRO of Central Schaumburg helped put our commercial property back together after water damage.  We would recommend the services to any businesses with emergency needs. 

SERVPRO was called to our commercial property for office damage. They took the time to sit down with our team and explain the processes put in place.  They got our offices moved so we could still operate and worked quickly to get us back up and running normal.

SERVPRO is great to work with. Fast and they do an amazing job.